

The prosody of habits routinely -

Interrupted by a tender smile,

Breaks the habitual monotony,

And makes living life worthwhile;

For there is no virtue more universal

Than a life spiced with humor;

For there is nothing more natural

Than the warmth of merry laughter.

So laugh out loud, smile about,

As life is inane without -

Those chortles and chuckles,

And cackles and giggles.

After all, laughter is the soul

Of life's cadence that we mould.



  1. πŸ‘πŸ‘Definitely at a time when we all are locked at our homes and feeling depressed, laughter and happiness is the only thing keeping us sane! Wonderful! Keep it up! πŸ’–

  2. Always.... The best way out of a problem is to laugh out of it !!
    This poem clearly says the same! Gr8 poem! keep it up!!


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