A Big World, Through Small Eyes

A Big World, Through Small Eyes

Peculiar, enigmatic, yet beautiful
Is the perspective of the world
Through the eyes of a tiny crab
As it traverses rocks, crawls over dunes,
Continuing its journey on the path,
A path, travelled by many creatures before;
Although never looking at the path itself
As it scuttles sideways,
Trusting it’s instinct to reach
Where the path takes it,
Eyes always forward, feet on the move
It does not know where it is headed,
Yet is certain of where it wishes to be.

~ Mustafa


  1. Awesome MUS, Bck to BLOGS, Waitin' for Your Nxt 1, Guess Who It is ?

  2. Heyy!! Thanks a lot!! Yeah, have been pretty busy lately with schoolwork. Guess its Manish 😂😂 isn't it? Well, we will try to post more frequently!

  3. Again! A Great one!!
    Waiting to read more of your posts soon!!


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